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Unknown 2011 free online

Dortmund data bank software package free download. PLAYERUNKNOWN’S BATTLEGROUNDS is a last-man-standing shooter being developed with community feedback. Players must fight to locate weapons and supplies in a massive 8x8 km island to be the lone survivor. This is Battle Royale. Another word for unknown. Find more ways to say unknown, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Long war 2 strategy guide. Unknown (ŭn-nōn′) adj. Not known; unfamiliar: a problem unknown in earlier times. Not identified, ascertained, or established: received flowers from an unknown admirer. Not well known or widely known: an unknown artist. That which is unknown: investigating the unknown. Create a sim free. Something that is not known: This case has many unknowns. If something is unknown, it's not familiar understood, like the unknown path through the woods you've never explored or your brother's unknown reasons for staying late after school.

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an unknown quantity

A person or thing that is unpredictable and thus difficult to anticipate. We're still revising our new product, so its potential success is an unknown quantity.This is her first year teaching, so her ability to connect with her students is still an unknown quantity.

unknown country

A place, topic, or situation that is totally foreign or unfamiliar. There has been such turbulence and change with the company that the future now looks like an unknown country.Visiting my dad's family down in Texas always felt like traveling to an unknown country as a kid.

unknown to (one)

With someone being unaware (of something). Unknown to Jacobson, the other two partners had drawn up the deal in such a way that they would have full control of the company in two years' time.My wife invited her entire family to come stay with us for Christmas—unknown to me.

*unknown quantity

Fig. a person or thing about which no one is certain. (*Typically: be ~; become ~.) John is an unknown quantity. We don't know how he's going to act.The new clerk is an unknown quantity. Things may not turn out all right.

unknown quantity

An unpredictable person or thing, as in We don't know how the new pitcher will do-he's an unknown quantity. This expression comes from algebra, where it signifies an unknown numerical value. Its figurative use dates from the mid-1800s.

an unknown quantity

COMMON If someone or something is an unknown quantity, not much is known about them. She had met Max several times, but he was still pretty much an unknown quantity.The team is something of an unknown quantity, having played few big games.Ballet was an unknown quantity in the United States at that time.

unknown country

an unfamiliar place or topic.
The Latin equivalent, terra incognita , is also used in English.

unknown quantity

a person or thing whose nature, value, or significance cannot be determined or is not yet known.
See also: quantity, unknown

an ˌunknown ˈquantity

a person or thing that you do not know anything or enough about: His ability to make decisions in a crisis is an unknown quantity.

Unknown Pokemon

Our new director is still an unknown quantity.

unknown to somebody

without the person mentioned being aware of it: Unknown to me, he had already signed the agreement.
See also: somebody, unknown
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